The importance of ventilation in poultry farms

At present, with the development of modern poultry farming industries, has been labor shortages or expensive, chicken caged artificial insemination labor intensity, and the problem of pollution therefore needing in this cage’s research and development, and according to the size weight of poultry farming cage net wire thickness and basket size parameters. Design and develop different types of cages according to different width and length of poultry.
The ventilation of poultry farming houses provides fresh air necessary for the maintenance of life. It also helps to reduce extreme temperatures, humidity and air pollution to the limits of tolerance. Improved environmental control systems also make high-density farming possible, reducing the cost of building a unit of chicken. Because ventilation system reduces production cost and reduces labor cost, it is of great economic significance.

poultry environmental control system-for-sale
poultry environmental control system-for-sale

The air in circulation removes too much heat, moisture, dust and odors from the chicken coop, while reducing the number of airborne infectious organisms. A properly designed environmental control system also the heat generated by poultry to save some energy. Providing proper ventilation for poultry is an art, but it can be controlled by a determined and willing poultry farmer. Of course, this is a challenge, because the poultry houses are different, and the need for ventilation varies with each day’s different time, season, temperature, humidity, wind speed, chicken age and density.
In an enclosed chicken coop, air composition changes if the air is not exchanged. The concentration of carbon dioxide, ammonia and other harmful gases accumulates above the level of the chicken’s intolerance. And inside and outside the hen-house environment control system has carried on the exchange of air, it has brought chicken and will breathe the oxygen required to sustain life and produced by the waste produce harmful gases and odorous gas discharge. And it dilutes the air’s infectious organisms, keeping them at levels that the chickens can afford.
The change of environmental conditions in modern poultry farming equipment production will reduce the efficiency of natural ventilation system. In order to maintain the stable temperature to ensure the maximum comfort of the chicken, mechanized ventilation and natural ventilation system are used to enhance the efficiency of poultry breeding.

Poultry environmental control system-in-china
Poultry environmental control system-in-china