Livi chicken layer cage for sales in Zimbabwe

Layer cages for sale in Zimbabwe

This article will explain how to use a chicken layer cages for laying hen farming business and business planning in Zimbabwe. Before starting the chicken business, you must decide how many laying hens to raise. Where to raise chickens and the target market. The number of chickens you raising will depend on the amount of land and capital you have, and also the size of your target market. Before starting a business, you should conduct a market survey, set up a breeding program, and choose a reliable poultry equipment manufacturer.

Layer chicken farming market in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s chicken farming industry has shown massive growth since 2009. A range of sizes of chicken farms have sprung up everywhere – from the medium size chicken farms of 1000 birds to massive industrial scale operations.

Due to the high income from chicken layer farming, more and more chicken farmers in Zimbabwe have joined the chicken layer farming industry. The laying period of layers is about 200 days, which means that within these 200 days, it can continue to bring benefits to the chicken farm. And when the layers do not lay eggs, these layers can also be used to sell money, although it will be cheaper than broiler chickens. Also, eggs are relatively easy to store. After the eggs are collected, they can be stored for a period of time without increasing the cost of the farm if they are not sold.

chicken layer cages for sale

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Although more and more people have joined the chicken farming industry, the demand for eggs in the market is also increasing. As the economy develops, more people are lifted out of poverty, and almost everyone can afford eggs. Moreover, the nutritional value of eggs is very high, and people nowadays pay more attention to dietary health. In other words, the market for chicken layer farming is now very lucrative.

A project of chicken layer cages in Zimbabwe for 20000 layers

If you want to get into the chicken business then you will need to set up a breeding program?include how many chickens to raise, how many chicken cages and other poultry equipment you will need. We once designed a project for a chicken farmer from Zimbabwe, you can refer to it.

Our customer is from Harare,Zimbabwe, and is a new chicken farmer. He wants to increase his income by raising layer chickens and create a better life for his family. So he was looking for the layer cages for sale in Harare on line. One day, he saw our layer cages for sale in Zimbabwe and was very interested,and the he sent us an email. Our account manager quickly contacted him and learned that he has a piece of land with a length of 90 meters and a width of 12 meters. Our account manager provides multiple solutions and corresponding quotations to customers through calculations. Finally,he selected the following chicken breeding program.

Cage Type: A type, 4 tier, 5 door, 160 birds/set.

Chicken Cage Layout: 3 rows/house, 42 sets/row, 126 sets/house.

Chicken House Size: 90M*12M*3.5M.

Total Capacity of the Chicken House: 20160 birds/house.

chicken layer cages project

20,000 birds chicken layer cages project list:

1. A type layer battery chicken cage system: 126  sets in total.

2. Automatic feeding machine: 1 set, Gantry type, with 1 set silo.

3. Scraper type manure removing system: 1 sets, one set per house.

4. Automatic egg collecting system: 3 sets, one set per row.

5. Ventilation system: 1 set, cooling fan, cooling pad and small side windows.

6. Automatic environmental controlling system: 1 set.

Chicken battery cage design

The following Livi poultry equipment manufacturers have come to tell Zimbabwe farmers how to choose the right chicken layer cage:

1. The size of the layer cage is many, but each farmers the area of the henhouse is also varied, so is the cause of laying hens cage size more to cater to each farmers henhouse area size, can let the farmers choose the right size, so farmers is when the choose and buy according to their size to choose the area of the hen house, if you don’t know how to determine, consult poultry  equipment manufacturer’s technical personnel, they will according to the area of the hen house to you recommend appropriate laying hens cage size.

2. When choosing the size, farmers should also consider the number of laying hens they want to breed. The number of layers that can be raised varies with the size of the cage. So the specific number of each size can be raised, but also to seriously consult the poultry farming equipment manufacturers.

layer chicken cage system

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3. The material selection of the chicken layer cages. The choice of materials for chicken layer cages is very particular. To choose suitable materials with toughness, the diameter of the bottom wire of the cage is about 2 mm, and the broken egg rate is the smallest. The larger the diameter of the wire, the more likely it is to break the egg. Livi can independently upgrade equipment and design transformation and other services according to your needs.

4. Now the chicken industry is beginning to popularize automatic chicken raising. Therefore, when selecting the size of the egg cage, the farmer should consider whether it is necessary to install automated chicken equipment. If necessary, the size of the cage should be chosen based on the area occupied by the automation equipment.

Choose a reliable poultry equipment manufacturer

Of course, if you want to buy high quality layer cages, you also need to find a reliable poultry equipment supplier. Livi is an experienced and reliable poultry equipment supplier, supply chicken cages for sale in Zimbabwe for 30 years. We have our own factory, which can guarantee the quality of the chicken layer cages. The cost of layers cages in Zimbabwe we supply is reasonable. If you need chicken cages for layers in Zimbabwe, please feel free to contact us, we will do our best to provide you with the best products and services.